Will I Complete Camp Nano this Year?

Camp Nano Website

No matter how long I’ve been writing for or how many books I finish, there is always something new to be learned. That’s about as guaranteed as death and taxes. If you ever think you’re done working on your craft, don’t.  

I’ve been having a hard time finishing a manuscript. There’ve been fits and starts. But the ending doesn’t feel right. Can’t quite get it the way I feel it should go. And my muse agrees. Capricious little bugger. 

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-apple-on-blue-background-7499772/

I’ve tried Camp Nano twice, I think. No luck. No matter how I set myself up, I don’t get it done. This is the opposite of November’s Nano, which I win more times than not. That could change. Nothing is for sure.  

Camp used to have little cabins with friends or random other writers. It was a bit too social for me. Sure. We need connection. But not too much.  

In a desperate move to get some writing freaking done, I gave Camp another try. This year I wanted to work on being more consistent in my writing. This book refuses to go away. It’s being a bit of a jerk.  

Time around it's a quiet Camp. No social cabins. Just your project. This I can do.  

But, I can’t do 50k. No way. Not only will it not work with the book I’m determined to finish, but I don't think I have it in me, period. Not how I write now. Perhaps in the future. Who knows? Right now, no. I need my confidence boosted a bit.  

It took a while for me to figure out a goal that would be a stretch without killing what little writing I’ve been dribbling out. Goals are normally the place where I shine. They’re one of my things. I help other people with their goals. This time I’m learning what it feels like to not know where to go.  

I don’t remember where I heard it, but at the end of last month someone said. “Small Bites.” Yes. It's always the simplest of answer. Sucks, right?

My mom meant taking bites out of an apple. And it’s a brilliant image. However, I enjoy eating pizza more than fruit. For me, you don’t eat the pizza whole. You eat a slice at a time. That’s more on my eating plan.  

A goal is an intention. Worrying over the how I would do something when I wasn’t sure what the something was seemed a bit backwards.   

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-slice-of-pizza-4109077/

The equation for me has always been goal + tools + plan = getting stuff done.  

If my goal is to write every day, how much writing do I think I can handle? Answer, not much right now. I culled it down until I decided on one page per day. 250 words.  

Goal=250 words every day.   

What tools do I have? A gazillion. I love gadgets and trying out new to me software. It took a few false starts, but I decided on Dabble as the writing software. I love it for drafting.  

Tool= Dabble 

Last is breaking this into a plan. What will help me get to the end I need? This turned out to be easy. I’ve been using the write ten minutes everyday thing for a year. I only lost it when this book became a monster.  

The plan for 250 words a day took a twist when I decided I’d write for ten minutes. Not a straight either or. Ten minutes to write 250 words. Ups the ante a bit.  

Plan= 10 minutes a day  

I’ll write 250 words in Dabble for ten minutes every day.  

Now all I need is bait for my muse. 

I want to write in May about how this all turns out. How many words can I write in ten minutes? What did I do when I didn’t make it? Has this helped me get to the end of this bloody book? Stay tuned.  

In the meantime, I hope you’re writing your fingers off or reading a fabulous book. Because that’s what we do around here.