Where I'm at with Nanowrimo

Every year I plan NaNoWriMo into my calendar. I always know I can make one more book for the year. And I must be honest, I love Nano. There is nothing like it. All of us around the world making stories happen together. It’s lovely.  

I always begin October with the notion I’ll get ready for Nano. Write some articles in advance. Set up posts for Instagram. Get ahead on work for my critique group. Never happens. It’s mid Nano, and I’ve been like a horse with blinders on.  

All my focus in on my word count. How many words did I write today? Am I behind? Ahead?  

I’m writing this Tuesday early morning. I’ve got 34,241 words. I’ll finish right on time. One thing I always try to do is finish before Thanksgiving. It’s too hard to enjoy the holiday while battling word count anxiety.  

There are many ways to do Nano. I’m straight. I write 50,000 words from the first line forward. Some people are Nano rebels. Maybe they need to finish a book or they’re in the middle of deep edits on a project. It doesn’t matter. Nano your way and let the momentum carry you to your goals.  

This is short, sweet, and to the point. I’m plugging away to the finish line. Maybe I’ll see you there.


 P.S. You can add me as your Nanowrimo writing buddy at: KimberlyKB